pySecDec ======== `pySecDec` [PSD17]_, [PSD18]_, [PSD21]_, [PSD23]_ is a toolbox for the calculation of dimensionally regulated parameter integrals using the sector decomposition approach [BH00]_; see also [Hei08]_, [BHJ+15]_. Please cite the following references if you use `pySecDec` for a scientific publication: * pySecDec [PSD17]_, [PSD18]_, [PSD21]_, [PSD23]_ * CUBA [Hah05]_, [Hah16]_ * FORM [Ver00]_, [KUV13]_, [RUV17]_ * GSL [GSL]_ * nauty [MP+14]_ (if you use `dreadnaut`) * normaliz [BIR]_, [BIS16]_ (if you use a geometric decomposition strategy) * QMC [LWY+15]_ (if you use the quasi-monte carlo integrator) .. toctree:: :numbered: installation.rst gettingstarted.rst overview.rst util.rst full_reference.rst faq.rst references.rst Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`